24/7 health advice: Health811 or call 8-1-1 | 24/7 caregiver support: Ontario Caregiver Organization or call 1-833-416-2273
Building on existing work from AOHT organizations*, we’ve curated tools and templates into a one-stop toolkit for organizations looking to start or strengthen their partnership and engagement activities with patients, clients, family members, caregivers, individuals with lived and living experience, and other citizens.
*We would like to acknowledge and thank Sault Area Hospital, a member of the Algoma OHT, for their substantial contributions to this toolkit.
Community Partnership Toolkit
Terms of use
The resources in this toolkit are free to share, download, customize, and use. We have added a credit footer to each template and kindly request that you keep this footer or acknowledge the AOHT Community Partnership Toolkit in some other way if you are using our work.
Share feedback
This toolkit was created to save you time as you start or strengthen your community partnership and engagement program. If you have used any of our tools or templates, we would love to hear from you. Your feedback will help us evaluate the reach and functionality of the toolkit.
Evaluating Partnership
For survey material, your team may want to replicate this work in Survey Monkey, Google Forms, or another platform. For support evaluating process, consider using the Public and Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool.
For support evaluating impact, visit the Engage with Impact Toolkit.
Additional Resources
Take the next step with community partnership and engagement:
Health Quality Ontario: Patient Partnering
Institute for Patient- and Family-Centred Care
McMaster University Public and Patient Engagement Collaborative: Engage with Impact Toolkit
McMaster University Public and Patient Engagement Collaborative: PPEET
Ontario Hospital Association: Patient and Family Engagement
Ontario Caregiver Organization: Meaningful Engagement and Co-design with Caregivers