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Our Team

To date, more than 150 individuals have taken part in bringing the AOHT and its projects to life. 

Leadership Council

The AOHT is overseen by a Leadership Council that guides project planning, design, and implementation. It is currently composed of 14 organizational members and has enshrined patient and clinical leadership as part of its executive structure. A unique feature of the AOHT is that it is inclusive of both social services and health promotion, signaling our intent to move our work more upstream in the community.

Stephanie Parniak

Patient Partner

AOHT Tri-Chair​


Family Physician

AOHT Tri-Chair​

Ila Watson

Chief Executive Officer

Sault Area Hospital​

AOHT Tri-Chair

Terry Caporossi
Executive Director
Alzheimer Society

Janik Guy
Agente de planification et d'engagement communautaire, région d'Algoma
Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario

Ali Juma
Chief Executive Officer
Algoma Family Services

Annette Katajamaki

Executive Director

Canadian Mental Health Association Algoma

Christina Spadafora

Executive Director

Superior Family Health Team

Lil Silvano

President and Chief Executive Officer
Group Health Centre

Connie Lee
Executive Director
F.J. Davey Home

Jennifer Loo

Acting Medical Officer of Health and CEO
Algoma Public Health

Nicole Pearce
Interim Executive Director
Algoma Residential Community Hospice (ARCH)

Dominic Noel
Executive Director and Nurse Practitioner Lead
Algoma Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic

Dr. Jodie Stewart
Chief Executive Officer and Physician
Algoma District Medical Group

Dr. Alan McLean
Lead Physician
Superior Family Health Organization

Mike Nadeau

Chief Administrative Officer

District of SSM Social Services Administration Board 

Rural and Remote Partnerships

The AOHT recognizes the unique challenges of planning and delivering services across the vast geography of Algoma and is committed to actively partnering with rural and remote communities. It benefits from the inclusion of neighbouring rural health hub representatives as part of its work:

Mary Ellen Luukkonen


East Algoma Ontario Health Team

Kadean Ogilvie

Chief Executive Officer

Lady Dunn Health Centre (North Algoma)

Two Wave Wide Block

Transformation Office

The AOHT is mobilizing work across organizations in its membership and beyond with support from the AOHT Transformation Office, which is responsible for supporting leadership, decision-making, and operations.

Victoria Aceti Chlebus
Director, Integrated Care 
Algoma Ontario Health Team


Michelle Courneene

Project Management Consultant

Algoma Ontario Health Team


Cassandra Lepore

Transformation Consultant

Algoma Ontario Health Team

Jeff Dorans

Quality Improvement Lead

Algoma Ontario Health Team

Erin Mulroney

Research Assistant

Algoma Ontario Health Team

Roylene Bowden

Manager of Programs

Algoma Ontario Health Team

Kendra Dumont

Analytics Coordinator

Algoma Ontario Health Team

Brianna Smith

Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator

Algoma Ontario Health Team

The AOHT has also benefitted from additional support from our partners. 

Tracy Galizia

Project Management Specialist

Sault Area Hospital

Brandy Sharp Young

Manager, Communications and Media Services

Sault Area Hospital


The Algoma Ontario Health Team benefits from OHT Implementation Funding from the Ministry of Health.

© 2020 by Algoma Ontario Health Team. Proudly created with

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